Larry Holmes (conceived November 3, 1949, Cuthbert, Georgia, U.S.) is an American heavyweight boxing hero of the...
Boxing is a combat sport where two opponents, typically of similar weight, face off in a ring. The objective is to land punches on the opponent while avoiding their punches. Fighters use a combination of footwork, defensive techniques, and offensive strikes, primarily with their fists. Matches are typically divided into rounds, with each round lasting a few minutes. Boxing requires strength, speed, agility, and strategic thinking. It’s a sport steeped in history and tradition, with iconic fighters and legendary matches captivating audiences worldwide.
Oleksandr Usyk, of Ukraine, is the undisputed heavy weight best on the planet. Oleksandr Usyk is likewise...
Terence Crawford is an American with a profession record of (41-0, 31KO). The Ring positioned Terence Crawford...
Lin Yu-ting advances to gold-medal Olympic bout Lin Yu-ting of Taiwan has advanced to the gold medal...
Win bronze at Paris Olympic 2024 Â Nesthy Petecio of the Philippines and Esra Yildiz Kahraman of...
Conference Carried by IBA on boxing Row In a press conference on Monday, the IBA raised more...
Boxing pressure does not compare to what I felt at that detention camp When Cindy Ngamba enters...
Two Bronze Medals were earned for the Dominican Republic As French boxers amazed the home crowd with...
Khelif’s success in the 2024 Paris Olympics The 66kg women’s category Olympic champion was Algerian Imane KHELIF....
Four Champions standing on the podium. JALOLOV is a two-time Olympic Champion. Olympic Games came to an...