Charlie Dobson: Sprinting to Victory

There’s most certainly opportunity to get better, reflects European Titles 400m silver medallist Charlie Dobson. It’s anything but an analysis of his new 44.38 lifetime best execution – he says he ran ‘an excellent race’ in Rome – yet an unpretentious affirmation that there’s capability to go faster.

I think the greatest thing for me is as yet figuring out how to run the 400m. Glancing back at the parts [11.13, 21.52, 32.38, 44.38 in Rome] there’s certainly still a great deal of opportunity to get better in the manner we approach the race and the manner in which we set it up, however that is something I’ll sort out.

Charlie Dobson: Sprinting to Victory

Charlie Dobson Position

Charlie Dobson, positioned fifth on the UK all-time list, is still moderately new to this game. A 200m silver medallist at the 2018 World U20 Titles, the Colchester competitor was convinced to take on the 400m by his previous mentor Benke Blomkvist and individual competitors and made his introduction at the 2020 Loughborough August Invitational with 45.84.

His ongoing CV is noteworthy: 4x400m gold and fourth in the 200m at the 2022 European Sports Titles; 4x400m bronze at the 2023 World Games Titles; and 400m silver at the 2024 Europeans in just his eighth race over the distance. Charlie Dobson missed the deferred Tokyo Olympic Games in 2021 because of a pressure crack in his shin, yet making his Olympic presentation in Paris is most certainly a silver lining.

Presently in his most memorable year as a full-time competitor – he graduated with a five star degree in aeronautical designing the previous summer – and only nine months in the wake of connecting up with mentor Leon Baptiste, Charlie Dobson’s true capacity has still not been completely understood.

As far as preparing, this is the principal year I’ve zeroed in favoring the 400m than the 200m,” says the 24-year-old. We’re positively further ahead than I naturally suspected I’d be toward the beginning of the time, yet there are clearly things to deal with in the competition to work on further, such as pushing out more diligently.

Charlie Dobson: Sprinting to Victory

We train more like a 200m/400m runner. That is the methodology Leon needed to take and it’s plainly paid off up until this point, having the option to hold my speed yet additionally dealing with the strength perseverance part of it. I never truly did a lot of that in advance so that is had a gigantic effect.

Having the opportunity to rest and recuperate and not having tests to do, particularly during this season, has likewise had an immense effect.

Experience is everything and Charlie Dobson has profited from a compressed lesson in 400m running in 2024. His 44.46 in Savona Italy in May – an individual best at the time by a portion of a second – showed him a ton his physical and mental capacities as he made his last arrangements for the European Titles and looks forward to the remainder of the mid year.

I think I’ve sorted out various ways of moving toward each race intellectually, Charlie Dobson says, I was going into the obscure in Savona as it was my most memorable race of the time. I wasn’t doubtful, yet I knew nothing about what I could run. I gleaned tons of useful knowledge from that day and it truly helped my certainty going into Rome. I thought: I realize I can do this now since I’ve done it beforehand.

Charlie Dobson: Sprinting to Victory

I think becoming accustomed to hustling and getting more sure dashing is something tremendous. Whenever you first do anything you’re genuinely speculative with it, particularly for large races and enormous contests, however presently I’ve demonstrated to myself that I can run these times – and going into the English Champions and ideally Paris – I believe that will be of gigantic advantage to me.

Preparing happens in the first part of the day and is trailed by prehab practices for strength and injury counteraction.

Charlie Dobson Daily Routine

With Leon we’re truly versatile, so the meetings can change contingent upon how the body is feeling,” says Charlie Dobson, who is likewise a sharp golf player and picture taker.

Monday: short speed speed increase work for instance, blocks to 20/30/40m x 2 each trailed by longer sudden spikes in demand for the bended self-controlled treadmill for instance, 30sec endeavors or on grass in late-fall for instance, 250m/300m reps rec center meeting

Tuesday: dynamic recuperation with center around versatility, obstacle portability work, center strength and medication ball tosses

Wednesday: beat meeting, for example, longer runs of up to around 80% exertion (in center distance spikes or mentors on target, grass or bended treadmill “contingent upon how everybody is feeling”. For instance, 250m in addition to 4x100m with stroll back recuperation between reps. Center around structure.

Charlie Dobson: Sprinting to Victory

Thursday: rest day

Friday: center around specialized work. For instance, running over wickets and dealing with step examples and recurrence. There’s no need to focus on expanding step length for me, however chipping away at diminishing my step length and putting my foot down prior, says Charlie Dobson. “We recognized an issue where my foot would move away from me and I’d land early which was putting an immense measure of pressure through my hamstrings. We do a ton of work on diminishing how much my foot throws out on front of me, so I’ve found wickets truly useful for that. Wickets followed by quicker approaches 300m/350m in spikes (at around 90-95 percent exertion), then exercise center meeting.

Saturday: dynamic recuperation as Tuesday

Sunday: rest day

Most loved meeting: Anything with serious blocks in it. At the point when I see that on the program I think: ‘No doubt, it will be a decent day!’ They’re just ever 30-40m greatest, yet it’s one of a handful of the possibilities in preparing that you get to appropriately hit a run and you get an additional hit of adrenaline, particularly while you’re doing it close by a portion of your preparation accomplices. It’s simply great tomfoolery.

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